Monday’s daily thread. I have threads scheduled for the next two weeks. I’ll swing by, likely late at night before I go to bed just to check on things such as making sure things are alright with HyvorTalk. If something happens on here during the day, I won’t see it until late that night so just wait to hear from me the following morning.
Sometimes we have an outage (usually mid-day) if they run maintenance on their end, which as you know means the commenting section would be down and could be down for a bit or a longer bit (a few hours). As a reminder, HyvorTalk is overseas so when it’s mid-day here it’s like midnight or later where they’re at…so that’s just the bad breaks for us U.S. folks. Things are fine with me. I just need an extended break, and want to make sure I have things here sorted out for y’all.