I want people to know where lines are. I have tried to communicate those, and I have, many times.
I cannot create volumes of rules that outline specific things, it’s impossible and rather curious if any of you need a rule book to go by instead of just doing one simple thing: Stop yourself before you submit a comment and think if you would say (what you’re about to say) to the person’s face–AND, if you think you’re actually saying something about someone out there in the world who isn’t here, remember that people on here might be, technically, in that same type of group or of that same mindset etc.
Seeing how a few people think about someone like me who thinks like I think, and to think how many times others on here have felt like maybe today’s not the day to go to TexansChat and be mocked…indirectly, by the way…we need to check some stuff at the door and leave that stuff to other places like Facebook, Twitter, whatever. Show some compartmentalization skills.
If you post a comment and delete it because you think it might have crossed a line, then good. That should be happening more, to be honest. When in doubt, throw it out.