Thursday’s daily. Starting today, anybody who jokes around about vaccinations–whether it’s the pro-vax crowd or the anti-vax crowd–gets a 7-day ban, and I don’t care if it’s aimed at players or ordinary people. Another instance of it is a permanent ban. And no, I’m not fielding questions or explaining myself on why or how come I ban or don’t ban whoever it is that is banned or not banned or whatever.
Some wise ass is going to pretend like they care so very “deeply” about how they can follow the rule(s) by asking me, “dO wE gEt tO tAlK aBouT CoVid aS it RelaTeS to pLayeRS and NFL?” Sure. Some news pops up about a team or player or game affected, post the news. The replies better play it super straight though. No digs, no veiled barbs either. When in doubt, just take a private victory lap and laugh to yourself how funny it was going to be with whatever it was you were going to say on here. Or go for it. Whatever. Free will and all that jazz.