Vegas Vipers @ Houston Roughnecks, 11:30 AM CDT, ABC/ESPN+
Let’s get RoughNEKKID!!!
by Texans Chat
Vegas Vipers @ Houston Roughnecks, 11:30 AM CDT, ABC/ESPN+
Let’s get RoughNEKKID!!!
by Texans Chat
Welp, the fiancée is going to get her wedding dress fitted today. It’s time to start counting the days…
Also, be sure to file your taxes. Thank you for your time.
by Texans Chat
A lot of rumors have been floating around lately — rumors about Nick Caserio, DeAndre Hopkins, our first-round draft pick, etc. Well, all of these rumors made me think of Rumours, the best and most famous album by Fleetwood Mac, which is all about the various band members doing drugs, cheating on each other, and breaking up. It won Album of the Year at the 1978 Grammy Awards, was certified 20× Platinum in the United States, and was rated the seventh-greatest album ever in Rolling Stone’s list of the “500 Greatest Albums of All Time.”
by Texans Chat
I’m pretty sure Thursday the 13th is okay, right? No curses or anything? We’re safe by one day.
Also, there are some rumors floating around about Nuk coming home. Thoughts?
by Texans Chat
I’d just like to say that today is the Wednesdaysiest Wednesday that’s ever Wednesdayed.
by Texans Chat
In honor of today’s date, I’d like to tell you all about something that happened in 411 AD. You see, a few years prior, this Roman military leader named Flavius Claudius Constantinus — who had been stationed in Britain to defend Roman settlements from the Scots, Picts, and Saxons — rose to power and was declared Emperor Constantine III by his fellow soldiers. Anyway, in 411 AD, the rightful heir to the Western Roman Empire (Honorius) sent a couple of generals up to Britain to take down Constantine, and he was eventually beheaded. But the most interesting part is that, according to legend, Constantine was the father of Uther Pendragon, and thus the grandfather of King Arthur.
by Texans Chat
Wow… today is exactly two months away from my wedding. Get excited, mofos.
by Texans Chat
Houston Roughnecks @ San Antonio Brahmas, 2:00 PM CDT, ABC
Let’s get RoughNEKKID!!!
by Texans Chat
It’s finally the weekend. Thank God.
by Texans Chat
For those who celebrate, happy Good Friday. For those who don’t, happy… regular Friday.