Wednesday’s daily thread.
Daily Thread 5-18-2021
Tuesday’s daily thread.
Daily Thread 5-17-2021
Monday’s daily thread.
Lawsuit Thread 5-10-2021
Monday – Wednesday lawsuit thread.
Daily Thread 4-29-2021
Thursday’s daily thread. I’ll have us a Draft Night thread for this evening’s event. Round 1 is scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. Central Time, so I’ve set the thread to post at 6 p.m. Central Time. Not sure if there will be a Friday night Draft thread, so stay tuned for a decision (I’ll announce in Friday’s daily thread) sometime Friday. There’ll be a Weekend Draft thread in addition to the normal Weekend Discussion thread.
Daily Thread 3-26-2021
TGIf y’all. Have a good day! 🙂
Daily Thread 2-17-2021
Halfway to the weekend. Here’s today’s daily thread.
Join The Discussion! Here’s How…
After you’ve set up your Hyvor commenting account, be sure to check out the Hyvor Talk page on Texans Chat (it’s a link on the top main nav menu, by the way) that gives a rundown on all the fun stuff you can do in the comments section, and the page also gives a link to the Hyvor Talk Privacy Policy page so you can see how your privacy and data are secured when using their commenting platform.
I just want to say this right off the bat: I know that I can type a helluva’ long post. I’m very detail-oriented, and my job in life is that I help train people on how to use technology, so I’m hardwired in a way that means I try to make it as easy as possible for someone to get through a series of steps to arrive at a good destination. So, the instructions below seem like it’s long but it’s not a bunch of hard steps and instead it’s just me being very descriptive so anyone can understand how to get this accomplished. Once you’ve done the steps below, that’s it…you’re in…bingo bango bongo HERE WE GO!
NOTE: Please use Chrome because Safari was not agreeing with me when I went to try and click the Signup button…but it all works in Chrome. UPDATE: Seems that many folks are using Safari and say that it’s working OK for them.
Note #2: Leave this browser window open because once you have completed the registration it should refresh the page for you and show you that you’re able to comment, or maybe you’ll have to refresh it on your own. But for me, it swiftly recognized my Hyvor Talk registration and refreshed my page and I was able to start commenting. You might have to hit the Login button in the comments section, so it’ll all work out however it works out!
Note #3: You might have to disable Ad Blockers if you use them. I didn’t have to, and am using Ad Blocker for Chrome, but your mileage may vary.
In the comments section of this article, click the SIGNUP button. It opens up a pop-up window, so slide it over away from this browser window and resize windows accordingly so you can have two “screens”: 1 to read these instructions and the other to fill out your Hyvor Talk registration form
In Step 2 (below), you’ll be redirected to the Hyvor Talk commenting site to establish a one-time account. Unlike BRB, you don’t log into the actual TexansChat site to establish an account. Your ability to comment is stationed with Hyvor Talk where I have the Admin privileges for managing users and how the commenting system looks and works on the TC site. Learn more about editing or customizing your profile, at the bottom of this message, but first here’s how to set up your Hyvor Talk account so you can begin commenting at Texans Chat.
After clicking the SIGNUP button, a new window should pop up. Do the following (You can edit these later on, as well, so don’t worry about doing it correctly the first time, but make sure you DO use an actual, real email you have access to!):
First Name:
This is what you want your SCREEN NAME to be. So if you want it to be FabulousHuman_28 then enter into the First Name field the exact way you want it to look. I don’t think there is a character limit on the First name but maybe there is? I put in OneManBlitz and it kept it, and it even kept the capital letter for O , M, and B. So case sensitive screen names seem to work!
Last Name (Optional):
I left this field blank. If you put something in both the First Name field and in the Last Name field then I assume it displays both names and puts a space between the two names.
Hyvor Username:
I made mine OneManBlitz to keep in step with what my First Name/screen name is set to. Hyvor uses this so that you can follow others, they can follow you, you can mention others, they can mention you. So if someone did like an “@OneManBlitz” within their comment…then I would see it somehow, etc., I don’t know much about how this works but I would say you’ll set this to the same as your First Name/screen name. It has a 3 character MINIMUM and a 15 character MAXIMUM so you might have to adjust your Hyvor Username here in order to get it under the 15 character max limit–The key to remember is that your FIRST NAME is what shows up when you post a comment, not your Username, so be most focused on setting your FIRST NAME as what you want to use as your screen name. You can change it later on, too. I just went into my Hyvor Talk profile and changed my Hyvor User Name to “OMB” since it meets the 3-character minimum limit and it’s faster/easier to type @OMB instead of @OneManBlitz.
THIS ONE is important, though. Make sure you use an email that you will always have and have easy access to. You can still edit your email field later on, beyond your first signup, but you will receive an email message from Hyvor Talk that has a 6-digit pin number you will need to use to confirm your signup in order to activate and use the commenting system at
Use a handy password is my advice to you. You can change your password later on, by the way.
This has got your pop up window completed and now it’s time for Step 3 (below) which begins with clicking the SIGN UP button.
When you click the SIGN UP button, a CAPTCHA anti-spam box pops up. Click in the box beside “I’m not a robot” and then click the squares it tells you to click in order to proceed.
Lastly, it will say you’ve been sent a confirmation email to your email address. Keep this Hyvor window open! Open a new window so you can get to your email inbox, and locate the Hyvor email. NOTE: My Gmail main inbox allowed the Hyvor email to reach me instead of marking it as spam, but you might have to do a “Search” for the word Hyvor or do an inbox search for the sender to find the confirmation email. You can manually type in the 6-digit pin code into the Hyvor pop up window or you can click and drag your mouse over the 6-digit code and do a “copy” and then go back to your still-open Hyvor window and paste it into the box and hit the CONFIRM button.
The last step is below, and it involves getting back to the site which if you still have your original browser window open, the one for this page, then you can go down to the comments section and you might see your name and that it’s ready to let you comment. You might have to refresh the page and you might even still have to click the Login button, though, and if so then just log in and you’re done.
The Hyvor pop up window should say Email Confirmed! and so now you’re officially logged in. For me, after I clicked the CONFIRM button the pop up window disappeared, Since I still had the page up, which was where I was at originally in one of the comments sections when I had clicked the “Sign up” button…as soon as I was back on the TexansChat page in the comments section there was my screen name and a comment box waiting on me so I could make a comment.
2 Ways To Get To Your Hyvor Profile & How To Edit Your Profile:
There are two ways to get to your Hyvor Talk profile:
- The 1st way to access your Hyvor profile is in the comments section of any article, when you see your screen name and circular-shaped profile avatar…click it. You can click Edit Hyvor Profile, and it will take you to a new browser window where you see your profile info (You’re already logged in, so it doesn’t ask you to log back into it for you to edit your profile).
- You can change everything. I am not sure that if you change your Username and if you decide to revert BACK to the old Username at a later point in time that it’ll let you have your old username back. It might cache those for forever, so be smart about changing your username.
- The “Change Picture” that has an underline doesn’t work. Instead, click the actual round-shaped image that’s an auto-generated avatar image just above the words “Change Picture”. You’ll upload an image from your computer or device. Remember that you’ll be uploading what’s likely a square or rectangular shaped image…but Hyvor fits it into a circle shape like Twitter does. There is a + and – symbol to increase or decrease the size, and you can drag your image to center it better, but frankly the whole deal is a little tricky so you will have to play with it. I suggest using as square-shaped of an image as you can, and make sure the most important detail of the image is as centered within the square as possible so that when it puts it into a circle shaped bubble it’s going to look the best.
- The 2nd way you can access your Hyvor profile is that you either a) do a Google search for Hyvor or b) go to and in the top right click on the HOME button. Put in your email and your password. NIFTY TRICK: Make sure you click the “Remember Me” so that anytime you open your browser up and go to it keeps you logged in like BRB always did. If you use a privacy mode like an Incognito window in Chrome when doing this, I don’t think it will remember you when you’re using a private browsing experience.
- When you’re into your account, you will see many things.
- You can click My Comments and see all of your comments.
- You can click Email Settings and enable or disable these things: A) Email me when someone replies to my comments, and/or B) Email me when someone mentions me (if they typed in @OMB for example) — Be sure to click the save button on this screen.
- I disabled Downvotes but kept Upvotes active. There’s no way to turn a post “green” after a certain number of Upvotes. UPDATE: Hyvor is working on releasing a feature that turns a comment a color when it reaches a certain number of UpVotes, and I can customize the background color as well as how many “rec’s” it takes to turn a comment a color.
- I don’t think I’m using the Reputation system for us.
- I disabled Reactions (I think…).
- At the very top right you’ll see your round-shaped avatar image. Click it and it opens up your Profile so you can change things like I described way up in #1 at the top of this section.
- When you’re into your account, you will see many things.
If you have problems with any of these steps, do not get discouraged. You can send an email to me by using the Texans Chat contact form, and as a last resort you can use the Comment As Guest function in a comments section and we’ll go from there.